

Yep, I have a header now! When I asked my siblings who should grace the place of honor on my page, 100% of them answered it should be Face coughing, regardless of who their favorite character is. So yeah, here’s Stanley “Face” Yorick. Coughing.

He has a dollar sign on his hoodie because literally nothing is too ridiculous for this comic. (and it also makes a nice stand-in letter “s” for the end of my title, which I stupidly ran out of room to write.)

(all-in-all, this is a terrible header and TOTALLY a perfect representation of how ill-planned this thingummy is. I am so proud of it.)


my siblings color ginger

I don’t know why, but hey, I’m not complaining.


my very beloved sixteen-year-old sister colored this one: she is of the opinion that this character only cooks crabs, and he does so very poorly. (Technically this is actually mostly true.)


My totally wicked awesome 6-year-old sister colored this one… she thought that since Ginger is a pirate chef dude he def needed a fancy gourmet kitchen.


aaaand my sweet 5-year-old brother’s coloring job… not sure what to say about this except man, those colors are totally amazing.

PS. Ginger isn’t in the comic yet, but he will be. Someday. Like, when I actually start posting comic pages that have characters in them.

NOW! ALLIE! You know who you are– if you are checking this blog, I just want to say hello! We all miss you! Why didn’t you finish the coloring page I made for you? I want to show off your coloring skills! That said, have a lovely time and do not forget to NOT make any noise!